‘Cool’ New ICECUBES Poster!

ICECUBES the comic strip posterWow! Take a look at this new ICECUBES 18″ x 24″ poster! Only 100 printed – Limited edition. Featuring over 120 drawings of your favorites ICECUBES characters. I’ll sign it too!

Order it exclusively thru Kickstarter when you pledge for the new ICECUBES book

ICECUBES book kickstarter

Book Signing @ DNAComics!

I just wanted to thank everyone who stopped by the ICECUBES table on Saturday at DNA Comics. 🙂
ICECUBES the comic strip book signing



batmobileIt was great to meet new fans and make new friends. Batman was there to make sure everyone was safe! (Cartooning can be a dangerous business these days!)
photos courtesy Sam Caldwell & Mara Marich

ICECUBES the comic strip KickstarterPS: the Kickstarter for the new ICECUBES book should launch this week all going well. I am putting the finishing touches on the video! Stay tuned!

ICECUBES at the Menil Fest 2015!

Hi everyone, if you are in the area this Saturday, drop by the MenilFest! at the world famous Menil Collection in donwtown Houston. menilfest Now in its 7th year, MenilFest! is a unique merger of literature, visual arts, spoken word and musical performances throughout the day brought to you by some of Houston’s most respected organizations and talented individuals. And I’ll be there too! 😉 You can get your ICECUBES books signed and buy original art. I look forward to seeing you! Leroy Brown


Hello fans, friends and family! As I write this it is very late at night (or early in the morning, however you want to look at it). I was of course busy drawing this weeks strip, but just ran out of time. This week I have had 100 different other things to do and the strip will have to wait. Among the other things I am doing however are some very exciting ICECUBES related news items! First, I am finally releasing the second ICECUBES book! You will be able to pre-order your copy on Kickstarter probably beginning next week, so watch out for that. Second, I have put together a way to make it easier for fans to show their support for ICECUBES. By just going to the new ICECUBES Patreon page, you can become a patron and actively support the strip and get some pretty cool rewards too! So, look out for the new ICECUBES book on Kickstarter coming really soon and go to Patreon to support ICECUBES!patreonlogo Thank you so much for reading ICECUBES! Leroy Brown