Funny Inky Animal

Funny Animal
Funny Animal by Leroy Brown ~ created while inking ICECUBES

Check out this goofy guy that popped up while I was inking the latest ICECUBES comic strip. I was just practicing before jumping onto the strip and this guy showed up. You can see I also practiced my lettering. ICECUBES is all hand-drawn, including he lettering (which is the hardest part!) Thanks for reading ICECUBES the comic strip and remember to click on the ads, it really helps!

Happy New Year 2023!

Eggman scratch
Eggman and I certainly hope this year will bring more ICECUBES comic strips. If only we could find a way to make ICECUBES pay for itself. Oh, I know: please click on the ads. Every click counts!
If every visitor just clicked one ad, ICECUBES would off and running. Freeze has been yelling in my ear that he wants a new ICECUBES Book to come out. I keep telling him that we still have a few copies of Vol. 1 “Noise Is News” available. It’s a beautiful offset printed book with over 100 pages in full color and because it was the very first print of the very first ICECUBES book it’s a collectible too. *Just click here to get it for only $10!


We all wish you a Happy New Year and want to say a big thanks for being cool ICECUBES fans!

New ICECUBES Video Channel.

Peckinpaw filming Freeze
Peckinpaw filming Freeze.
So this is something of a novel twist. For some reason that I can’t explain, Youtube and Google decided to lock the original ICECUBES channel. I have tried everything to get them to unlock it, to no avail. So, I finally decided to start a brand new ICECUBES video channel. The channel is called ‘Leroy Brown’ and you can find it using the handle: @icecubescomic.

Be the first new subscriber and receive a free signed ICECUBES poster!
Hopefully this one won’t get locked and I can resume sharing ICECUBES videos with you. My big wish is that 2023 will see a revival of activity around the strip, fingers crossed. There are things happening in the background that I can’t talk about yet but I’ll let you know as soon as I can. Thanks for being such cool fans and continuing to check in. All my best wishes for a great holiday season!

News & Rumors.


Well, Peckinpaw tried to create his first comic strip and while I thought it was great, his perennial critic Freeze was less encouraging as can be expected. Those two will never see eye to eye it seems. In any case, there perhaps is reason to celebrate as rumors are flying about a possible third ICECUBES book in the works! Shhh, nothing official yet, but let’s keep our fingers crossed. In the meantime, share the comic strip with your friends and tell them to click on the ads, it really helps!

Thanks for reading ICECUBES and stay tuned.