
Eggman is the perfect character to show off the ‘blobs’ drawing technique.
I find that the best way to give the characters more of a real feeling is to think of them as being made of blobs.

By drawing big round blobs I can work out their positions and get a sense of their place in space. It also helps to give them some weight so they don’t look like they are two dimensional or floating in the panel. Here’s a great example of drawing blobs.
Drawing blobs.

ICECUBES the movie trailer!

Check out the trailer for the upcoming ‘Drawing ICECUBES’ podcast! The podcast will feature the entire drawing session of an original ICECUBES strip from beginning to end. Stay tuned and enjoy the show! 🙂

Drawing ICECUBES: the Trailer! from Leroy Brown on Vimeo.

Hey fans, here’s a sneak peak at the upcoming podcast of Leroy Brown drawing ICECUBES! The movie shows the birth of an original ICECUBES strip from A to Z. Leroy Brown shares all kinds of tips and tricks and displays his techniques for putting together ICECUBES the comic strip!